Settings Sidebar

This sidebar shows you the options for editing the settings for the selected route and settings for the interface as a whole.

Route Settings

This section will show you all of the configuration options for the selected route. Including:

Route Configuration

  • The Route Title
    The title of the selected route

  • The Route ID
    The ID of this route so that it can be programmatically linked to. It is advised not to change the route ID once created, Allowing you to update the Title and URL Path without worrying about broken links within your interface.

  • The URL Path
    The path that this route will be accessed. For example:

    • / would be home page of the application, eg.

    • /blog/featured would make this route available at

  • Enable/Disable the Header
    Whether to enable or disable the footer on this route.

  • Enable/Disable the Footer
    Whether to enable or disable the footer on this route.

SEO Details

  • Route SEO Title
    The title of this route when displayed in search engines, this also affects the title of the route in the browser. If none is provided, will default to the route title.

  • Route SEO Description
    The short description about the content of this route that is displayed when this route's URL is shared on social media, in messages and search engines. If none is provided, the interface's SEO description will be used.

  • Route SEO Image
    The image to be used when this route's URL is shared on social media networks or in messages.

Sitemap Configuration

Configure how the details of this route should appear in the public sitemap

  • Whether to hide this route from the public sitemap

  • Sitemap Priority

  • Sitemap change frequency

Interface Settings

These settings apply to the configuration of the interface itself:

Interface Configuration

  • Title
    The title of this interface, shown within the administration dashboard

  • Interface SEO Title
    The title of this interface when published and rendered in the browser or shared online

  • Interface SEO Description
    The short description that is displayed when this interface is shared on social media, in messages and search engines. This becomes the default for all routes unless otherwise specified on the route itself.

  • Interface SEO Image
    The image to be displayed when this interface is shared on social media, in messages and search engines. This becomes the default for all routes unless otherwise specified on the route itself.