

Routes are often represented as the different 'pages' that can be navigated to in your interface. A route has the following properties

  • Route Title
    The name of the route.

  • Route ID
    A unique ID for the route so that i can be referred and linked to programmatically.

  • URL Path
    A URL path represents the route's location in the browser. It appears in the URL bar and serves as a means to navigate to, bookmark, or share the specific route.
    Some examples include:

    • /

    • /about-us

    • /blog/my-first-blog-post

  • Header and Footer Settings
    By default, the header and footer of the interface are displayed on all routes, Sometimes this is not desireable and you may want a route that does not show the header or footer.
    Some typical use cases are creating landing pages where you want to remove all distractions other than the main page content. You can disable the header and footer individually for specific routes.

  • Blocks
    Each route is made up of blocks. Blocks are rendered within the route and make up the content that is displayed to the user when viewing the route

  • Context Visibility
    Rules can be added to a route to enable or disable the route depending on the contextual state of the user.
    For example you may want a particular route to only be accessible at a certain time of day, day of the week or only if the user is logged in and authenticated.